Bateau Bay Neighbourhood Centre
Welcome to Bateau Bay Neighbourhood CentreLINKING TO THE COMMUNITY
Programs & Activities
A wide range of programs, activities and groups are run at the centre. Our regular groups are featured below, and you can check our facebook page as well.
Mahjong is a game of strategy and tactics, observation and improves memory.
Originally a very popular game in China, it is now becoming increasingly popular in western countries.
Our group meets Mondays from 1pm – 4pm.
There is no age restriction.
Beginners to advanced player’s welcome.
The group is happy to assist in learning and are friendly and welcoming.

Grandparents raising grandchildren and friendship group
This group offers the chance for friendship and discussion with the aim of assisting in strengthening family relationships and increase the safety and wellbeing of grandparents children and young people.
The group meets Wednesdays during school term from 10-1.
The group welcomes grandparents currently in care of grandchildren as well as those whose grandchildren have left their care.
Current members are willing to share their knowledge and experiences in a safe space.

Mission Australia Tenant Participation and community Engagement program
The Tenant Participation and Community Engagement (TPEC) program aims to provide FACS Housing tenants with greater access to information and advice, and more opportunities to be actively involved in processes and decisions related to improving social housing tenancies and communities.
The group meets every third Thursday of the month.

Community BBQ
The community BBQ is held fortnightly on Thursday 11:30-1pm.
This is a great opportunity to sit and chat with members of the community over a sausage sandwich.
Sausage sandwhiches – $1.50.
Cans of soft drink – $1.00

Playgroup & Activities
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After school activities
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School Holiday Activities
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Toy Library
The Bilby Toy Library offers a wide range of toys puzzles and games for families to loan.
All Toys are suitable for children 5 years of age and under.
Using a Toy library gives kids a chance to build skills, confidence and a love of learning through play and exploration. Little brains and personalities develop through play and the Bilby Toy Library is a practical and affordable way to get your kids playing and learning with different toys.
Full and half year memberships are available.
A great local resource for families, grandparents and anyone caring for kids five & under.
The Bilby Toy Library offers a wide range of toys puzzles and games for families to loan.
All Toys are suitable for children 5 years of age and under.
Using a Toy library gives kids a chance to build skills, confidence and a love of learning through play and exploration. Little brains and personalities develop through play and the Bilby Toy Library is a practical and affordable way to get your kids playing and learning with different toys.
Full and half year memberships are available.
A great local resource for families, grandparents and anyone caring for kids five & under.